to have a consistent view of the world

"There is an excellent reason for people to try to view a life situation in terms of an objectivist model, that is, in terms of a consistent set of metaphors. The reason is, simply, that if we can do this, we can draw inferences about the situation that will not conflict with one another. That is, we will be able to infer nonconflicting expectations and suggestions for behavior. And it is comforting—extremely comforting—to have a consistent view of the world, a clear set of expectations and no conflicts about what you should do. Objectivist models have a real appeal—and for the most human of reasons." (#60 3717)
"One obvious utility for the study of formal objectivist models in the human sciences is that they can allow us to understand, in part, the ability to reason and function in terms of a consistent set of metaphors." (#60 3729)