
Getting Started

To run Piggydb, you need to have Java Runtime Environment.

Standalone Package (for GUI Environment)

Standalone Package allows you to use Piggydb as if it is a standalone desktop application. This package can run on any OS as long as Java and the system tray are available.
  • The system tray is referred to as:
    • "Taskbar Status Area" on Windows
    • "Menu Extras" on Mac OS X
    • "Notification Area" on Gnome
    • "System Tray" on KDE
  1. Download the latest version of Standalone Package (piggydb-standalone-<version>.zip)
  2. Unzip the distribution
  3. Double-click piggydb.exe (Windows) or piggydb-standalone.jar (other operating systems)
  4. When the Piggydb server is started up, the Piggydb icon will be displayed in the system tray and the home page will be opened in your default browser automatically.
  5. Login with the owner account (owner/owner).
    • You should change owner's password immediately after the first login (Menu [System/Change Password]).
The Piggydb icon is displayed in the system tray while the server is running, and you can control the server with the right-click menu of this icon.

All-in-One Package (for Server Environment)

  1. Download the latest version of All-in-One Package (piggydb-all-in-one-<version>.zip)
  2. Unzip the distribution
  3. Double-click run.bat (Windows), or run (Unix, Linux, Mac OS X)
  4. Start up a browser and go to http://localhost:8080
  5. Login with the owner account (owner/owner).
    • You should change owner's password immediately after the first login (Menu [System/Change Password]).

War Package (for Servlet Containers)

If you already have a servlet container, such as Tomcat, then you can download a War Package (*.war).

How to install multiple Piggydbs on the same computer?

The Standalone Package doesn't support multiple databases. So you need to set up a Tomcat server (or other servlet containers) on your environment, to which you can deploy multiple War Packages. A database will be created for each deployment(installment) of the War Package.
Apache Tomcat -
To deploy a war file, just copy it to the webapps directory under the Tomcat home directory. You might want to change the name of the deployed war file corresponding to your purpose. The name will be used for the URL to access the application and the database file names (#16).