Database Location

If you use a Standalone Package or All-in-One Package, the database files will be created in ~/piggydb/ (Windows: C:\Documents and Settings\<User>\piggydb), and the database name is "piggydb" by default.
The location of the database files or the database name can be changed via the Piggydb settings "piggydb.database.prefix" and "", respectively.
If you use a War Package, the database files will be created in ~/piggydb/ and the database name will be determined by the context path, which is basically a war name. If you deploy a war file named "myknowledge.war", then the database name will be "myknowledge". If the context path is null, then the database name will be "piggydb". This auto war-database mapping allows you to deploy multiple piggydb.wars with separate databases on the same JEE server more easily (NOTE: This feature is available only with servlet 2.5 (tomcat 6.x) or later, otherwise the database name will be "piggydb").